South Coast AQMD’s 9th Annual MLK Day of Service

South Coast AQMD’s 9th Annual MLK Day of Service

Remember to register for this exciting program!

You will not want to miss this year’s honorable speakers joining us to celebrate Dr. King’s everlasting message of nonviolence, communication,
and most of all, equal rights.

Saturday, JANUARY 15, 2022 at 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Virtual Only via Zoom – Register Here.

Out of an abundance of caution, South Coast AQMD’s 9th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. event scheduled for Saturday, January 15, 2022, will now be conducted in a virtual format only.
The decision to make this a virtual event is a precautionary step to protect the health of all program participants and attendees taking into consideration the increasing spread of the omicron variant.
We look forward to you joining us virtually to remember the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to inspire us to work for social and environmental justice.

For more information, email:

South Coast Air Quality Management District | 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4178
Tel 909-396-2000 800-CUT SMOG

Tree Project

Tree Project

Excited to share our first set of trees were planted this month! For the past year-plus the WANC Public Safety Committee Chair worked with LA SANITATION & ENVIRONMENT (Amy Schulenberg) in the planning and community outreach! There was an outreach and survey effort asking our stakeholders what type of trees they wanted to be planted in our neighborhood. This survey was available to all who wanted to weigh in!

We are just getting started on this effort to better sustain our community with more shade and environmental approaches to combat the toxic carbon emissions that surround our neighborhood!

Per the maintenance of the trees: here is an update on the plan!

The trees will be watered and maintained by the Urban Forestry Division of StreetsLA. They will water them as long as they believe the trees need the care with an expected range of 3 -5 years of care. They do a fantastic job looking after a select portion of my grant trees. For example, if there is a tree vandalized, they will clean it up (removing any debris and tripping hazards).

After that time, the trees will join the ranks of street trees throughout the City in the sense that there will not be regular watering but they would be on any trim cycle deemed necessary by the City. The trees are expected to fully exist on their own at that time.

After that, if the NC wants to fund a once or twice a year tree maintenance from a non-profit.



When you’re strolling along the Adams Corridor check out our new trees – each tree has a white tag attached to it that informs the community on the type of tree! How cool and mindful! This work has been and continues to be a collaborative effort of the West Adams Neighborhood Council Public Safety Committee, LA SANITATION & ENVIRONMENT, LA CONSERVATION CORP, and Urban Forestry Division of Streets LA!

tree planted in West Adams sidewalk
Chinese Elm tree

Adams Blvd Safety Project FAQs

Adams Blvd Safety Project FAQs

Project Area: Adams Blvd from Fairfax Ave to Crenshaw Blvd (2 miles)

The City of Los Angeles is improving Adams Blvd with traffic safety and accessibility elements. The safety project was selected because of the high number of crashes that have killed or severely injured people. Below are responses to frequently asked questions about the project.

LADOT has prepared this Frequently Asked Questions flyer. View/download here.

Adams Blvd Safety Project – StreetsLA Notices

Adams Blvd Safety Project – StreetsLA Notices

Notices provided by StreetsLA (Bureau of Street Services, Dept. of Public Works, City of LA).

To open printable documents, click links.

Notice of Street Work – September (pdf)
Adams Blvd, La Brea Ave to Fairfax Ave

Street Work on Your Street (pdf)
Asphalt Application – Saturday Only

Street Work on Your Street (pdf)
Asphalt Application – Sunday Only

Notice of Street Work – September 18-19 (pdf)
Adams Blvd, La Brea Ave to Fairfax Ave

Traffic Advisory – September 18-19 (pdf)
Adams Blvd, La Brea Ave to Fairfax Ave


Adams Blvd. Resurfacing

Adams Blvd. Resurfacing

Adams Boulevard Safety Project Update:

Please Be Aware:

As part of the Adams Boulevard Safety Project, the street will be resurfaced between Fairfax Avenue and La Brea Avenue during the weekends of September 18-19 and September 25-26, 2021.

Click here for more about the Adams Boulevard Safety Project

Adams Blvd Work Notice, Spanish version

Adams Blvd Safety Project Notice of Work – Clink links for printable documents

LADOT Fact Sheet – August 2021

City of Los Angeles – Striping Removal, August 23-August 25, 2021



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