LOS ANGELES (November15,2024)– Today, City Clerk, Holly L. Wolcott and EmpowerLA General Manager, Carmen Chang announce the commencement of the 2025 Neighborhood Council Elections Candidate Filing period. The Office of the City Clerk and EmpowerLA will work collaboratively during the 2025 NC Election Cycle. The City Clerk will be responsible for the conduct of NC elections. EmpowerLA shall support NCs in their election outreach efforts. Neighborhood Council (NC) Elections will be conducted over several months on a rolling regional basis, starting with Region 11 (West Los Angeles). Candidate filing for Region 11 is now open (to learn more about Neighborhood Council regions, visit www.empowerla.org/councils-by-service-region/.). Throughout the election cycle, EmpowerLA will execute a public engagement effort to increase awareness of Neighborhood Council elections and build on the continuous civic engagement efforts throughout the city. To learn more about EmpowerLA’s election outreach, visit www.empowerla.org/elections/.
Election Regions: 1 through 12
Candidate Filing Dates: November 15, 2024 – March 24, 2025 To become a Candidate, visit: clerk.lacity.gov/ncelections
There are 99 Neighborhood Councils.
Each region has its own candidate and voter filing periods and unique Election Days.
The 2025 NC Elections will be conducted using an all-vote-by-mail election model.
The City Clerk has enhanced its online application portal and simplified the candidate filing process. Please note that stakeholder requirements to participate in NC elections vary per neighborhood council.For more information about Neighborhood Councils, including board membership and neighborhood civic engagement efforts, contact EmpowerLA at (213) 978-1551 or visit www.99NCs.com.
For additional information regarding candidate filing and elections, contact the Office of the City Clerk between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at (213) 978-0444 or toll-free at (888) 873-1000, or visit the City Clerk’s Neighborhood
Council Election website at: clerk.lacity.gov/ncelections/.