The Lead Hazard Remediation Program(LHRP) operated by the Los Angeles Housing Dept. LHRP provides grants to property owners to make homes lead-safe and to eliminate health and safety hazards found in the home.
Your Neighborhood Council has been identified as residing in one of LHRP’s target zip codes 90011, 90018, 90037 and/or Council Districts 8, 9, and 10. The California Department of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, in their report California’s Progress in Preventing and Managing Childhood Lead Exposure, identifies these three zip codes in the City of Los Angeles as being within the top five with the highest rates of elevated lead blood levels.
To be eligible, the dwelling must be built pre-1978 and test positive for lead hazards. Occupants (not necessarily owners) must meet HUD income guidelines and have a child under the age of six, either living at or visiting the property frequently.
Post-pandemic, the recruitment of participating properties has been challenging. Our team is working on building partnerships with local community partners with aligned goals where we may be able to reach residents to inform them of the dangers of lead and share the program with them. If there is any opportunity to work with your neighborhood council, please let us know. We are available to present at your next neighborhood council meeting
For more information, please visit Los Angeles Housing Department’s website.