Redistricting: Community Public Hearing
Join the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission for a Council District 10 Community Public Hearing on Saturday, August 28, 2021 at 10am.
This is an important meeting on “redistricting”.
What is redistricting?
Every 10 years, the entire country goes through a process called redistricting to redraw the maps that determine each district. As communities get smaller or bigger, and people move in and out, it is important that the districts are defined fairly and equally. According to the U.S. Constitution, all electoral districts within a given redistricting map must contain approximately the same number of people. The maps drawn will determine the allocation of political power and representation at every level of government (city, county, state and federal).
Participating in the redistricting process can be just as important as voting. Come learn and take action so that your neighborhood gets treated fairly and gets the resources it needs and deserves.
10:00 AM
Join by ZOOM: bit.ly/LACCRCZoom or listen only: (699) 254-5252, enter 161 545 4787#
Please share this invitation by the Los Angeles Council Redistricting Commission with your neighbors, friends, and family. If you require translation services, contact (213) 263-5765.
For more information about the City’s redistricting process, visit laccrc2021.org.