Redistricting: Community Public Hearing

Redistricting: Community Public Hearing

Join the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission for a Council District 10 Community Public Hearing on Saturday, August 28, 2021 at 10am.

This is an important meeting on “redistricting”.

What is redistricting?
Every 10 years, the entire country goes through a process called redistricting to redraw the maps that determine each district. As communities get smaller or bigger, and people move in and out, it is important that the districts are defined fairly and equally. According to the U.S. Constitution, all electoral districts within a given redistricting map must contain approximately the same number of people. The maps drawn will determine the allocation of political power and representation at every level of government (city, county, state and federal).

Participating in the redistricting process can be just as important as voting. Come learn and take action so that your neighborhood gets treated fairly and gets the resources it needs and deserves.

10:00 AM
Join by ZOOM: or listen only: (699) 254-5252, enter 161 545 4787#

Please share this invitation by the Los Angeles Council Redistricting Commission with your neighbors, friends, and family. If you require translation services, contact (213) 263-5765.

For more information about the City’s redistricting process, visit

Adams Blvd. Safety Project UPDATE

Adams Blvd. Safety Project UPDATE

The City of Los Angeles is improving Adams Blvd with traffic safety and accessibility elements. These treatments are designed to reduce collisions resulting in a safer Adams Blvd for all modes of transportation.

The safety project area was selected because of the high number of crashes that have killed or severely injured people. Please see below the safety design elements and a construction implementation plan.


  • Lane Reconfiguration with Bike Lane from Fairfax to Crenshaw – New striping will include one lane in each direction, bike lanes, and parallel parking against the curb.
  • Three New Crosswalks with Pedestrian Refuge Islands and Flashing Beacons at Marvin Ave, Palm Grove Ave, and Wellington Ave – Pedestrian islands give people a place to pause while crossing the street to navigate different directions of traffic and flashing beacons alert drivers to the presence of pedestrians in the crosswalk.
  • Pavement Resurfacing and Slurry Seal – A smooth, more predictable surface will improve the travel experience for people walking, biking, and driving. Adams Blvd will be resurfaced between Fairfax and La Brea and a slurry seal will be applied from La Brea to Crenshaw.
  • Left Turn Signal Upgrades at La Brea, Crenshaw, Hauser, and Redondo
  • Street Lighting Upgrades
  • Bonus: Street Trees from Fairfax to La Brea! Trees provide shade and improve air quality for the benefit of the whole community.

View the project fact sheet in English and Spanish.


Work began on the new pedestrian refuge island at Marvin Ave on August 16, 2021 and is expected to take 3-4 weeks to complete.

To prepare for the slurry seal, from Monday, August 23-Wednesday, August 25, 2021 the City will grind off the existing lane striping on Adams Blvd. Once completed, the contractor will use a temporary paint to restripe the street in its current configuration. The new street configuration will be installed after the street is slurry sealed. Residents should expect temporary lane closures and parking restrictions during this period. View the Notice of Work.

Street resurfacing on Adams Blvd between Fairfax and La Brea is expected to start in early September. The slurry seal will be applied to Adams Blvd between La Brea and Crenshaw after the resurfacing is completed, around mid to late September. Please stay tuned for more information.

After the resurfacing and slurry seal is completed, the City will install the Lane Reconfiguration with Bike Lane from Fairfax to Crenshaw and complete the new crossing at Marvin Ave, estimated October 2021.

Between November 2021 and June 2022, the City will install the two pedestrian crossings at Wellington and Palm Grove. Please stay tuned for more precise information as we get closer to construction.


JUNE 15: What will it take to end Homelesness in LA?

JUNE 15: What will it take to end Homelesness in LA?



Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 5:00 PM PT

A Zócalo/United Way Event, Co-Presented with the Committee for Greater Los Angeles
Moderated by Anna Scott, Housing and Homelessness Reporter, KCRW

Today, more than one-quarter of all unsheltered people in the United States live in L.A. County. And of all Angelenos experiencing homelessness, more than 70 percent are sleeping in the streets, or in makeshift structures, tents, or vehicles. Homelessness has always been a public health and humanitarian crisis, but the crisis has been exacerbated by the continued lack of affordable housing and the global pandemic. Policy changes and unprecedented housing investments, including Projects Roomkey and Homekey—converting hotels into housing—and the federal American Rescue Plan, haven’t been able to keep up with rising evictions and housing costs. Meanwhile, the issue is bitterly dividing neighbors and becoming a source of intense conflict in local politics. And elected officials, organizations dedicated to helping unsheltered people, and other stakeholders cannot agree on whether to put their resources toward local, interim housing or creating more permanent housing solutions. What should the city do to ease the crisis right now—and are many of the quick fixes being proposed truly sustainable? What sort of civic will and capacity must L.A. muster to respond to the many different fronts on which the battle against homelessness is being fought? And how much would L.A. have to change itself—its governance system, its economy, its housing, its laws—to end homelessness in the long-term?

In conjunction with the publication of new reports on homelessness from United Way and the Committee For Greater LA, UCLA California Policy Lab executive director Janey Rountree, Enterprise Community Partners vice president Jimar Wilson, L.A. resident Shawn Pleasants, Chair of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Commission Ad Hoc Committee on Governance Reform Sarah Dusseault, and United Way of Greater Los Angeles Homelessness Initiatives director Carter Hewgley visit Zócalo to discuss what it would take for L.A. to shelter all its people.


USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work and Advocates for African American Elders

USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work and Advocates for African American Elders

African Americans are at a significantly higher risk than whites of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and they also report lower levels of AD literacy than their white counterparts.

Karen Lincoln, associate professor and founder of Advocates for African American Elders, launched the BrainWorks research study to promote Alzheimer’s disease literacy within the African American community. This study aimed to help individuals identify AD symptoms and encourage them to seek help from a physician or mental health provider.

Lincoln’s study shows that older African Americans who received culturally tailored text messages about Alzheimer’s disease had the highest increase in Alzheimer’s disease literacy levels when compared with other participants.

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