Details on the new New Residential Speed Hump Program Guidelines and Launch Date

LADOT announces new 2024 Residential Speed Hump Program guidelines and application opening date of Thursday March 21, 2024 at 9 am.
Residential Speed Hump Program Launch
Key Documents *Linked*
2024 Speed Hump Evaluation Guidelines
- These are the criteria LADOT engineers will use to evaluate the technical feasibility of a street segment. These are provided for informational and transparency purposes only. Applicants are not responsible for determining the technical feasibility of their street. Applicants should use the minimum criteria below when considering a street for a speed hump
Minimum Criteria for the application:
must be a residential street
have only one travel lane in each direction
have a speed limit of 30 mph or less
Fact Sheet
- Describes the purpose, advantages, disadvantages and limitations of speed humps
Outlines the 3-step Request and Approval Process including key changes meant to streamline outreach and engagement: To ensure there is initial support to conduct a study, the Block Representative must provide the name, address, and contact information of four (4) additional residents in support of the speed humps (representing 4 additional properties besides the Block Representatives). Residents must reside within the street segment where speed humps are being requested.
Pre-Application Information Sheet
- Applicant’s are required to provide the following information during the application process:
applicant’s (Block Representative) name, address, phone number and email - the City Council District based on the applicant’s address
- the Street Segment where speed humps are being requested
- four (4) additional residents in support of the speed hump
* LADOT will provide the Block Representative with a “Step 3” Survey of Residents Form if their street segment is found to be feasible and construction funding is available. The Block Representative is required to obtain signatures of support for the speed hump installation from at least two-thirds (66.7%) of the affected residences on the street segment to proceed. Property owners, building managers and HOA’s are permitted to sign on behalf of their residents.