What are Neighborhood Purpose Grants?

Through Neighborhood Purpose Grants (NPGs), the West Adams Neighborhood Council can help local public schools and 501(c)3 nonprofits to fund projects and activities that benefit the community. Any grant issued by the West Adams Neighborhood Council must be for a public purpose: in short, how will the grant help the community? An NPG activity should build community, enhance the neighborhood, and be open, accessible, and free to the general public. Projects may encompass a wide range and can include, but are not limited to:
- The Arts
- Beautification
- Community Support
- Education
- Community Improvement
What is the application process?
The following is required from all organizations/entities seeking a NPG form the West Adams Neighborhood Council:
- NPG Application, completed and signed
- Project Budget on a separate sheet if space provided in application form is not sufficient
- Non-Profits 501(c)(3) – Submit IRS Letter of Determination
- Public Schools – Submit letter on official school letterhead, signed by school Principal
Please submit the above-mentioned items via email to contact@westadamsnc.org. The West Adams Neighborhood Council Board will evaluate all grant applications, deciding whether to approve the proposed grant. You might be asked to join one of our Board meetings to share more information on your application. If the application is approved, it must then be forwarded to the Funding Program within 45 days of approval. Once approved, if all documents are in compliance, the City Clerk’s Neighborhood Council Funding Program will process a check to the grant recipient.