CD10 Community Clean Up

CD10 Community Clean Up

Have a bunch of old computers, TVs, phones and other outdated electronics taking up space in your home? Don’t let them go to waste – recycle them properly at the upcoming Community Recyling Clean Up Event on Saturday, March 23rd.

From 9am to 3pm, LA City Councilmember Heather Hutt is hosting a free drive-through recycling event in partnership with LA Sanitation & Public Works and Shred-It USA. It’s the perfect opportunity to responsibly get rid of unwanted electronics and e-waste.

Simply drive up and workers will unload your old electronics like computers, monitors, printers, TVs, DVD players, cell phones and more to be recycled safely and efficiently. Recycling e-waste prevents harmful materials like lead and mercury from being released into the environment.

While you’re there, you can also shred and discard up to two 33-gallon bags of confidential documents per customer from 9am to 12:30pm. After 12:30pm, no more shredding will be accepted.

The event will be held at 3800 Crenshaw Blvd in Los Angeles, right in front of the Sentinel Newspaper building. The line for vehicles will start at Bronson & Coliseum St. This is a residential-only event, so bring proof of LA residency.

Don’t miss this convenient chance to clear out all your unused tech and e-waste clutter! Join us at the Community Recyling Clean Up Event on March 23rd and recycle responsibly.

This information is being provided as a courtesy to the community and is not an endorsement by the West Adams Neighborhood Council.

Proposed Changes to WANC Bylaws

Proposed Changes to WANC Bylaws

The 2024 Draft of the West Adams Neighborhood Council Bylaws is now available for review!

The West Adams Neighborhood Council is approaching the final stages of the WANC Bylaws Revision process! Up next is our March 18th vote to adopt the bylaws revisions.

Over the past three months, the Rules Committee has:

  • Hosted 1 Special Meeting to discuss bylaws revisions
  • Hosted 3 Rules Committee Meetings to collect stakeholder and board member feedback
  • Launched an Online Bylaws Revisions survey.

To help promote awareness of the bylaws revision process, the Rules Committee has:

  • Agendized and discussed the process in 2 Board Meetings
  • Created 1 Blog Post that Outlined the Bylaws Process
  • Included Bylaws Revision Announcement in WANC Newsletter
  • Sent Custom Bylaws Revision Announcement



  What’s Next?

  • Clearly identify the page, article, and section
  • Explain Your Position and/or State Question
  • Provide Clarity on Your Rationale

If you would like to share exact verbiage before our March 18th Board & Stakeholders Meeting, please send to by March 15th.






What Are Bylaws?

Bylaws are a foundational governing guide that dictates the operations of the neighborhood council. They’re not just boring legal mumbo jumbo. Think of them as WANC’s very own recipe book, outlining how we work together, who contributes, and how decisions are made. They ensure everyone gets a fair say and our community dish, aka WANC, stays delicious and nutritious. Here is a link to our existing WANC Bylaws.


Together, let’s build a WANC that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our vibrant neighborhood!



Budget Advocates Report March 2024

Budget Advocates Report March 2024

This a report by the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates. 

Los Angeles City Budget Update 

How will the City fund its homeless budget in the next fiscal year that begins July 1, 2024?

The budget for the Homeless Services and Housing Program for fiscal year 2023-2024 is $1.3
billion. This funding includes, but is not limited to, a one-time allocation of $250 million from the
City’s General Fund, another $226 million from City departments, $262 million from Proposition
HHH bonds, and $150 million from Measure ULA.

But will these sources be available next year?

The City is anticipating a “budget gap” of $350-400 million next fiscal year because of the
impact of the new labor agreements with the police, civilian workers, and firefighters. Will the
City be able to make another one-time contribution of $250 million? Will City departments be
able to pony up $226 million? Will the homeless budget crowd out other City services?
The $1.2 billion of Proposition HHH money has been fully allocated, so this source of funding is
not available.

Funding from Measure ULA is questionable because it is tied up in litigation. This tax was
approved by the voters in 2022 and calls for a 4% tax on property sales of $5 million or more
and 5.5% on sales of $10 million or more. While the House LA Fund balance was projected to
be $672 million, the cautious City used only $150 million. Will these funds and any additional
tax revenue be available for next year’s homeless budget? While the lower court ruled in the
City’s favor, will the City use these funds and risk an adverse judgment at the appellant level?

Will the City place a measure on the ballot to authorize a new series of bonds or a parcel tax on
property to fund the homeless program? Any measure would require the approval of two-thirds
of the voters in November.

We will find out on or before April 22 when the Mayor submits her Proposed Budget to the City

Budget Advocates Activity

Budget Advocates Activity

The annual Neighborhood Council Budget Day will be held the morning of Saturday, June 15,
2024. For the first time since 2019, Budget Day will be in person at City Hall. It is a free event
that is open to the public.

The plenary session will be presented in City Council Chambers where members of the Los
Angeles government and other speakers discuss the City’s budget and what it means for
programs and services the City provides to Angelenos. Please save the date for what will be an
educational and thought-provoking event.

Breakout sessions where attendees discuss regional concerns with City services follow the
plenary session. Anyone concerned about where our City is headed is encouraged to attend
and provide input. The regional breakout sessions will also elect Budget Advocates for their
next two-year term.

For up-to-date information, visit Eventbrite registration will be available
closer to the event.

As we prepare to elect Budget Advocates for the next two-year term, please make sure we
know who your Budget Representatives are. If your NC doesn’t have two Budget Advocates,
please make appropriate appointments.

For more information about the Budget Advocates, please visit our website at

The annual Neighborhood Council Budget Day will be held the morning of Saturday, June 15,
2024. For the first time since 2019, Budget Day will be in person at City Hall. It is a free event
that is open to the public.

The plenary session will be presented in City Council Chambers where members of the Los
Angeles government and other speakers discuss the City’s budget and what it means for
programs and services the City provides to Angelenos. Please save the date for what will be an
educational and thought-provoking event.

Breakout sessions where attendees discuss regional concerns with City services follow the
plenary session. Anyone concerned about where our City is headed is encouraged to attend
and provide input. The regional breakout sessions will also elect Budget Advocates for their
next two-year term.

For up-to-date information, visit Eventbrite registration will be available
closer to the event.

As we prepare to elect Budget Advocates for the next two-year term, please make sure we
know who your Budget Representatives are. If your NC doesn’t have two Budget Advocates,
please make appropriate appointments.

For more information about the Budget Advocates, please visit our website at


This information is being provided as a courtesy to the community and is not an endorsement by the West Adams Neighborhood Council.

Join The Vineyard Recreation Center Park Advisory Board

Join The Vineyard Recreation Center Park Advisory Board

Are you passionate about recreation, community, and making a positive impact in your neighborhood? The Vineyard Recreation Center is seeking engaged residents to join their Park Advisory Board (PAB).

As a PAB member, you’ll collaborate directly with Vineyard RC staff to develop exciting recreation programs and events tailored to the needs of our community. Your voice and ideas will shape activities that promote an active lifestyle, strengthen social bonds, and enhance the vibrant culture of our parks.

The PAB meets in person at least once per quarter, with a minimum of four meetings annually. However, additional meetings may be scheduled as needed, particularly when planning major events or rolling out new initiatives to best serve the community.

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to be a driving force behind the recreational experiences offered right in your backyard. To express your interest, please email Arien Sanchez at All inquiries will receive a prompt response with further details on next steps.

More info on PABs

This information is being provided as a courtesy to the community and is not an endorsement by the West Adams Neighborhood Council.
New Residential Speed Hump Program Guidelines and Launch Date

New Residential Speed Hump Program Guidelines and Launch Date

LADOT announces new 2024 Residential Speed Hump Program guidelines and application opening date of Thursday March 21, 2024 at 9 am.

Residential Speed Hump Program Launch








Key Documents *Linked*

2024 Speed Hump Evaluation Guidelines
  • These are the criteria LADOT engineers will use to evaluate the technical feasibility of a street segment. These are provided for informational and transparency purposes only. Applicants are not responsible for determining the technical feasibility of their street. Applicants should use the minimum criteria below when considering a street for a speed hump
  • Minimum Criteria for the application:

    • must be a residential street

    • have only one travel lane in each direction

    • have a speed limit of 30 mph or less

Fact Sheet
  • Describes the purpose, advantages, disadvantages and limitations of speed humps
  • Outlines the 3-step Request and Approval Process including key changes meant to streamline outreach and engagement: To ensure there is initial support to conduct a study, the Block Representative must provide the name, address, and contact information of four (4) additional residents in support of the speed humps (representing 4 additional properties besides the Block Representatives). Residents must reside within the street segment where speed humps are being requested.

Pre-Application Information Sheet
  • Applicant’s are required to provide the following information during the application process:
    applicant’s (Block Representative) name, address, phone number and email
  • the City Council District based on the applicant’s address
  • the Street Segment where speed humps are being requested
  • four (4) additional residents in support of the speed hump

* LADOT will provide the Block Representative with a “Step 3” Survey of Residents Form if their street segment is found to be feasible and construction funding is available. The Block Representative is required to obtain signatures of support for the speed hump installation from at least two-thirds (66.7%) of the affected residences on the street segment to proceed. Property owners, building managers and HOA’s are permitted to sign on behalf of their residents.

February 2024 – City of LA Tenant and Landlord Updates

February 2024 – City of LA Tenant and Landlord Updates

City of LA Tenant and Landlord Updates – This month’s webinars will focus on the current renter protection laws. While some renter protections have recently expired, many new ones remain in effect. The webinar will cover landlord and tenant responsibilities under the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) and Just Cause Ordinance (JCO), including allowable rent increases, legal reasons for evictions, payment of relocation assistance, and other issues. The webinar will also provide an update on available eviction resources and important law changes such as an update to the United to House L.A. Emergency Renters Assistance Program for recently approved tenants.

Wednesday, February 7th at 3:00 PM
Wednesday, February 21st at 6:00 PM

Wednesday, February 14th at 3:00 PM
Wednesday, February 28th at 6:00 PM

The session will be held online via Zoom.

Learn more about renter protections by visiting our webpage to view a recorded webinar and read a summary of the rules on eviction, rental arrears, and rent increases.

If you require additional language services, please call (213) 808-8808.

A note to our visitors

This website has updated its privacy policy in compliance with changes to European Union data protection law, for all members globally. We’ve also updated our Privacy Policy to give you more information about your rights and responsibilities with respect to your privacy and personal information. Please read this to review the updates about which cookies we use and what information we collect on our site. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our updated privacy policy.

Read Privacy Policy here.